Guided Tours | Santa Monica Bike Center
Bike rentals and guided bike and walking eco tours located one block from the beach. Secure bike parking and mechanic repair services. Xtracycle [...]
February Newsletter
Spread the love! This Valentine’s Day we’re taking time to spread the love to our fellow advocates, suppliers, and [...]
January Newsletter
Happy New Year SMBC readers! It’s 2018 and we’re excited to continue bringing you the latest bicycling initiatives, legislation, and [...]
December Newsletter
Happy Holidays from the Santa Monica Bike Center! Keep reading to hear more about the Metro Bike Hub Grand Opening Ceremony, Tips for [...]
November Newsletter – ABUS Gear Giveaway
SPECIAL FEATURE: BIKE WEDDING No, this is now a “How to have a bike wedding”, nor is it a “5 ways to kill your in laws on a bike”. This is a [...]
October Newsletter
COAST | Santa monica 2017 COAST 2017 definitely went out with a bang, beep, and honk. The event provided an amazing amount of fun activities for [...]
September Newsletter
California bike summit On average, cyclists in Los Angeles save about 50 hours a year by not driving to work. How did you get to work this week? [...]
August Newsletter
FEATURE: Sustainable Cycles, South of the Border You bike toured for three months through Mexico and the US to spread the word of Sustainable [...]
Sweet Spots Bike Tour – Santa Monica Bike Center Reservations
Santa Monica has a sweet tooth! This guided tour takes you through Santa Monica’s premiere shopping district and landmark neighborhoods to the [...]
Bike Center Debuts New Retail Space
This month, we completed an upgrade to our retail space and now provide a unique variety of European cycling lifestyle brands. The new selection [...]